Dementia & Poor Speech-in-Noise

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Hearing Loss & Dementia There is a growing body of research to suggest that hearing loss can increase the risk of dementia; and other studies even show that using hearing aids can actually slow down and delay this risk. Approximately 430 million people worldwide have a hearing loss severe enough to require some form of… Read more »

Hearing Loss & Risk Of Falling

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Hearing Loss & Risk Of Falling… For older people, having a fall can be very frightening and can lead to some rather severe injuries. As we age, our hearing and balance both naturally decline. A growing body of research is now suggesting that hearing loss could be contributing to an increased risk of falling. Even… Read more »

Platelet Counts: Risk Factor For Hearing Loss

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Risk Factor For Hearing Loss… In recent years, evidence has been found to show that hearing loss can be a risk factor for many systemic illnesses including dementia, depression, coronary heart disease, and kidney disease. Despite this, very few preventative strategies have been put in place to reduce the chances of developing a hearing impairment…. Read more »

Fruit Flies In Hearing Research

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Fruit Fly

Fruit Flies In Hearing Research… Although flies do not have ears, they can hear with the antennae. In a new study published in the journal Development, USC Stem Cell scientists describe how they can use fruit flies in hearing research. They claim that studying flies can provide a new way to understand and develop treatments for the… Read more »

Drug Shows Promise In Restoring Hearing

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Drug Shows Promise In Restoring Hearing… Frequency Therapeutics recently announced data related to its experimental FX-322 drug. This drug shows promise in restoring hearing for people suffering from mild to moderately severer sensorineural hearing loss. The first phase of a small study, published in Otology & Neurotology, found hearing improvements in adults with age-related sensorineural… Read more »

AIHHP Golden Globes Awards 2019

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AIHHP Golden Globes On the 22nd and 23rd of November 2019, AIHHP (the Association of Independent Hearing Healthcare Professionals) celebrated their 25th anniversary with their annual conference and Golden Globes Award ceremony. This year saw the largest attendance since AIHHP’s inception; and the delegates were treated to an amazing weekend! As always, Friday was the… Read more »

Tinnitus in Mainstream Hollywood!

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Tinnitus in Mainstream Hollywood! Tinnitus is a debilitating condition which many people in the world live with. Even more people, however, have no idea what it is. Thus, it really is a sight for sore eyes whenever Tinnitus is depicted in the media, especially so, in the film industry. This isn’t the first time tinnitus… Read more »

‘Contact Lens’ for your Ears – A New Hearing Device

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A New Direction Inventors in Europe are working on a “completely new alternative to a conventional hearing device”. The all-new device is an eardrum-hugging disk which uses a piezoelectric transducer. Though only surfacing recently in the news, this new innovation has been in the works for a little while now, having advanced through several of… Read more »

Sounds People With Hearing Loss Miss Out On!

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Hearing Loss Over the many years, we’ve written lots of articles outlining the perks and benefits of using hearing aids. However, professionals in the audiology industry rarely touch on the subject of sounds that hearing-impaired people miss out on, more than just explaining that women’s and children’s voices are more difficult to understand. At Hearing… Read more »