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Yesterday, Hearing Healthcare Centre staff participated in the infamous “Cambridge Escape Rooms” challenge… 1 hour to escape a room, in true Crystal Maze fashion! So…could Chris, Andy, Conny, Daniel, Dani and Megan (Carolyn’s substitute) escape before 0:00??? In short…yes, just!

After a slow start, and a frustrating 15-minute algebra puzzle to unlock the first clue…the team at Hearing Healthcare Centre were off… The second puzzle involved lots of running around, precision and team work in order to gain access to the 2nd room! Riddles, quizzes, brain-teasers and cryptic clues…

Two rooms down, and only the final clue to get…

55 minutes, 26 seconds!


Success! Congratulations to the whole team… and a big thank you to Cambridge Escape Rooms for the fun afternoon!
